Snorkeling In Bora Bora: A Complete Guide

Imagine yourself gliding through crystal-clear turquoise waters, surrounded by stunning coral reefs teeming with vibrant marine life. Bora Bora, the ultimate tropical paradise, offers an unforgettable snorkeling experience like no other. In this complete guide, we will take you on a journey to discover the best snorkeling spots, reveal insider tips and tricks, and provide all the essential information you need for an enchanting snorkeling adventure in Bora Bora. So, grab your snorkel and get ready to explore a world of underwater wonders.

Getting to Bora Bora

By Air

Getting to Bora Bora is an exciting adventure, and the most convenient way to reach this breathtaking island is by air. Bora Bora is served by Bora Bora Airport, also known as Motu Mute Airport, which is located on a small islet just a short boat ride away from the main island. Many major airlines operate regular flights to Bora Bora from different parts of the world. The airport offers stunning views of the turquoise lagoon and lush greenery, setting the tone for the incredible experiences that await you.

By Sea

For those seeking a more leisurely and picturesque journey, traveling to Bora Bora by sea is a fantastic option. Cruise ships and luxury yachts offer scenic voyages, allowing you to immerse yourself in the stunning beauty of the South Pacific as you approach the island. Whether you choose to arrive in Bora Bora on a large cruise ship or a private yacht, the journey itself becomes a memorable part of your Bora Bora experience. The calm waters and captivating views make sea travel an unforgettable way to reach this tropical paradise.

Snorkeling Gear

Mask and Snorkel

To truly explore the underwater wonders of Bora Bora, a mask and snorkel are essential. The mask allows you to see clearly underwater, while the snorkel enables you to breathe comfortably without lifting your head out of the water. It’s important to choose a mask that fits well and provides a good seal to prevent any water leakage. Opt for a snorkel with a comfortable mouthpiece and a splash guard to keep water out. With your mask and snorkel, you will be able to embark on mesmerizing snorkeling adventures and get up close to the vibrant marine life.

Fins and Booties

Another crucial piece of snorkeling gear for your Bora Bora adventure is a pair of fins and booties. Fins help you swim more efficiently and cover greater distances underwater, while booties protect your feet from rough surfaces and provide added comfort. When selecting your fins, ensure they fit snugly but not too tight, allowing for easy movement. Booties with a sturdy sole offer protection against sharp coral and rocks, ensuring a safe and enjoyable snorkeling experience. With fins and booties, you’ll be ready to glide effortlessly through the crystal-clear waters surrounding Bora Bora.

Snorkeling Vest

For those who aren’t confident swimmers or simply want extra buoyancy, a snorkeling vest is a valuable piece of equipment. Snorkeling vests are inflatable and can be easily adjusted to provide the desired level of flotation. They offer peace of mind and added safety, especially for those exploring deeper waters. Snorkeling vests are available in various sizes to fit all ages and body types. By wearing a snorkeling vest, you can focus on marveling at the underwater wonders of Bora Bora without worrying about staying afloat.

Underwater Camera

To capture the incredible memories of your snorkeling adventures in Bora Bora, don’t forget to bring an underwater camera. With an underwater camera, you can document the vibrant coral reefs, tropical fish, and other fascinating marine creatures you encounter. Whether you choose a waterproof smartphone case or a dedicated underwater camera, make sure to test it before your trip to ensure it seals properly. Cherish the moments and capture the beauty of Bora Bora’s underwater world to relive the magic long after you’ve left the island.

Best Time to Snorkel

Dry Season

The best time for snorkeling in Bora Bora is during the dry season, which typically spans from May to October. This period offers the most favorable weather conditions, with clear skies, minimal rainfall, and lower humidity levels. The dry season corresponds with Bora Bora’s winter months, and although temperatures are slightly cooler, the water remains warm and comfortable for snorkeling. With the absence of heavy rains and strong winds, snorkelers can enjoy excellent visibility and calm waters, enhancing the overall snorkeling experience.

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Water Temperature

The average water temperature in Bora Bora ranges from 78°F (26°C) to 84°F (29°C) throughout the year, making it an ideal destination for snorkeling in any season. However, if you prefer warmer waters, the period from December to April offers higher water temperatures, with averages reaching the upper range of 84°F (29°C). During this time, the air temperature is also slightly higher, providing pleasant conditions both in and out of the water. No matter what time of year you visit, Bora Bora ensures you’ll have a delightful snorkeling experience in its inviting tropical waters.

Top Snorkeling Spots

Coral Gardens

Coral Gardens is a must-visit snorkeling spot in Bora Bora, known for its breathtaking coral formations and diverse marine life. Located near the southern tip of the main island, this pristine area is teeming with an abundance of colorful fish and stunning coral gardens. The calm, shallow waters make it ideal for both beginners and experienced snorkelers to explore at their own pace. Swim amongst vibrant parrotfish, butterflyfish, and clownfish as you marvel at the kaleidoscope of colors beneath the ocean’s surface.

Anau Beach

Anau Beach is another fantastic snorkeling spot in Bora Bora that should not be missed. Situated on the eastern side of the main island, this secluded beach offers a tranquil setting for snorkeling enthusiasts. The crystal-clear waters reveal an array of marine life, including sea turtles, reef sharks, and eagle rays. The coral reefs here are stunning, with their intricate formations and vibrant hues. With its serene atmosphere and remarkable underwater biodiversity, Anau Beach promises an unforgettable snorkeling experience.


At the southern tip of Bora Bora lies Tapu, a small islet famous for its exceptional snorkeling opportunities. Known as one of the best snorkeling spots in all of French Polynesia, Tapu boasts an incredible variety of marine life and colorful corals. From majestic manta rays gliding gracefully to the presence of blacktip reef sharks, snorkeling in this area offers a chance to witness the wonders of the underwater kingdom up close. The clear waters and diverse range of species make Tapu a true paradise for snorkelers.

Faanui Bay

Faanui Bay, located on the northwest side of Bora Bora, is a hidden gem for snorkeling enthusiasts seeking tranquility and natural beauty. This lesser-known spot offers a serene atmosphere, stunning coral gardens, and an array of tropical fish. The calm waters and easy access from the shore make Faanui Bay an ideal location for snorkelers of all skill levels. Dive into the warm waters and encounter vibrant angelfish, butterflyfish, and even the occasional hawksbill turtle gliding past in this untouched marine sanctuary.

Matira Point

Matira Point, situated on the southernmost tip of the main island, is a picturesque location that boasts some of the finest snorkeling opportunities in Bora Bora. Its pristine, white sandy beach and crystal-clear turquoise waters create an idyllic backdrop for snorkeling adventures. Swim alongside graceful stingrays and colorful reef fish as you explore the underwater wonderland. Matira Point is easily accessible and offers a variety of snorkeling depths, catering to both beginners and experienced snorkelers alike.

Marine Life in Bora Bora

Coral Reefs

One of the highlights of snorkeling in Bora Bora is the chance to witness its magnificent coral reefs. These ecosystems are home to a plethora of marine species and are known for their vibrant colors and intricate formations. The coral reefs in Bora Bora are teeming with life, providing shelter and nourishment for numerous fish and other marine creatures. Snorkelers can explore the mesmerizing coral gardens, which encompass a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, bringing the underwater world to life.

Tropical Fish

Prepare to be amazed by the vast array of tropical fish that call Bora Bora’s waters their home. From the vibrant clownfish darting in and out of anemones to the majestic angelfish and butterflyfish adorning the reef, the variety of species is awe-inspiring. Snorkeling in Bora Bora offers an opportunity to observe these tropical fish up close in their natural habitat. The warm, nutrient-rich waters provide an ideal environment for these beautiful creatures to thrive, making every snorkeling excursion a colorful and captivating experience.


A snorkeling encounter with stingrays in Bora Bora is an unforgettable experience. These graceful creatures can often be found gliding gracefully through the shallow waters, bringing a touch of wonder to your snorkeling adventure. Local guides are knowledgeable about the best spots to encounter these gentle giants and will ensure that you have a safe and memorable interaction. Observing the elegance and beauty of stingrays in their natural environment is an extraordinary opportunity that many visitors to Bora Bora treasure.

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Blacktip Reef Sharks

For the more adventurous snorkelers, a close encounter with blacktip reef sharks is an exhilarating experience. These sleek predators can often be spotted in the crystal-clear waters around Bora Bora, particularly in areas where they feed. Snorkeling alongside these magnificent creatures allows you to witness their grace and agility up close, revealing a side of these sharks often misunderstood by popular culture. Local guides are experienced in ensuring a safe and controlled encounter, making it an awe-inspiring and educational experience.

Manta Rays

Bora Bora is also home to majestic manta rays, which are a sight to behold. These gentle giants, known for their impressive wingspans, glide effortlessly through the warm waters of the lagoon. Snorkeling with manta rays offers a unique opportunity to witness their graceful movements and observe their feeding habits. Many tour operators offer guided snorkeling excursions specifically focused on encountering these magnificent creatures, providing an incredible opportunity to appreciate the beauty and magnificence of manta rays in their natural habitat.

Snorkeling Safety Tips

Choose Suitable Locations

When snorkeling in Bora Bora, it is important to choose suitable locations based on your skill level and comfort in the water. While there are numerous spots to explore, some may have stronger currents or deeper waters, making them more challenging for beginners. Opt for calm, sheltered areas such as lagoons or those recommended by local experts for beginner snorkelers. As you gain confidence and experience, you can gradually venture to more advanced locations to further enhance your snorkeling adventures.

Be Aware of Currents

As with any water activity, it’s crucial to be aware of the currents when snorkeling in Bora Bora. While some currents may be gentle and easily manageable, others can be stronger and pose potential risks, particularly in certain areas during tide changes. Before entering the water, take note of the direction and strength of the currents. It is advisable to snorkel with a buddy, as they can offer assistance if needed. Paying close attention to your surroundings and understanding the current conditions will ensure a safe and enjoyable snorkeling experience.

Use Sunscreen

Protecting your skin from the strong tropical sun is essential while snorkeling in Bora Bora. Apply a waterproof sunscreen with a high SPF before entering the water, and reapply it regularly, as it can easily wash off. The reflection of the sun’s rays on the water intensifies their effects, increasing the risk of sunburn. Don’t forget to wear a wide-brimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses to shield your face and eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. By taking these precautions, you can snorkel comfortably without worrying about sun damage.

Don’t Touch the Marine Life

Respecting the delicate marine ecosystem in Bora Bora is crucial to preserving its beauty for future generations. When snorkeling, refrain from touching or disturbing the marine life and coral reefs. Touching the coral can cause irreversible damage, as the oils from your skin can harm the delicate organisms. Additionally, avoid feeding or chasing marine animals, as it disrupts their natural behavior and can lead to negative interactions. Snorkeling in Bora Bora is about observing and appreciating the underwater world without disturbing its fragile balance.

Guided Snorkeling Tours

Exploring with Local Experts

To enhance your snorkeling experience in Bora Bora, consider embarking on a guided snorkeling tour led by local experts. These knowledgeable guides possess an intimate understanding of the best snorkeling spots, ensuring you make the most of your time in the water. They can provide valuable insights into marine life, share interesting facts, and even point out hidden treasures beneath the surface. By joining a guided snorkeling tour, you gain a deeper appreciation for Bora Bora’s unique marine environment while enjoying a safe and enriching adventure.

Private Snorkeling Expeditions

For a truly personalized and exclusive snorkeling experience, private snorkeling expeditions are an excellent option. These tailored tours allow you to customize your itinerary, ensuring you visit the snorkeling spots that most interest you. Private expeditions provide the utmost privacy and flexibility, allowing you to snorkel at your own pace and enjoy the undivided attention of your guide. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking a more intimate snorkeling adventure, private expeditions offer an unforgettable experience in the enchanting waters of Bora Bora.

Snorkeling Etiquette

Respect the Environment

When snorkeling in Bora Bora, it is essential to respect the environment and minimize your impact on the delicate ecosystems. Avoid standing or stepping on coral reefs, as they are fragile and can easily be damaged. Be mindful of any debris or litter and avoid leaving behind any waste. Snorkelers are encouraged to participate in local conservation efforts, such as reef cleanup initiatives, to contribute to the preservation and protection of Bora Bora’s precious marine environment. By practicing responsible snorkeling, you help ensure that future generations can also enjoy the wonders of this paradise.

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Keep a Safe Distance

While snorkeling in Bora Bora, it is important to keep a safe distance from marine life to avoid causing stress or harm. Despite their beauty, many marine creatures are still wild animals and should be observed from a respectful distance. Admire their natural behaviors without attempting to touch, grab, or chase them. Maintaining a safe distance not only protects the marine life but also minimizes the risk of accidental contact that could result in injury. By respecting their space, you can enjoy a harmonious coexistence with the captivating creatures of the sea.

Don’t Take Souvenirs

As tempting as it may be to collect shells or pieces of coral as souvenirs, it is essential to resist the urge when snorkeling in Bora Bora. Taking natural objects from the marine environment disrupts the delicate balance of the ecosystems. These shells and pieces of coral provide homes and food sources for many creatures, and their removal can have long-lasting effects on their habitats. Admire the beauty of the marine life and coral reefs, but leave them untouched for others to appreciate and for future snorkelers to enjoy.

Snorkeling Equipment Rentals

Available Rental Shops

If you prefer not to bring your own snorkeling gear, there are several rental shops in Bora Bora where you can find everything you need. These shops offer a variety of snorkeling equipment, including masks, snorkels, fins, booties, and even underwater cameras. The staff at these rental shops are knowledgeable and can assist you in finding the right gear for your snorkeling adventure. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced snorkeler, renting equipment from these shops ensures you have the necessary gear to explore the underwater wonders of Bora Bora.

Pricing and Packages

The pricing and packages for snorkeling equipment rentals in Bora Bora vary depending on the duration of the rental and the specific gear you require. Most rental shops offer daily or weekly rates, allowing you to choose the option that suits your snorkeling schedule. Some rental packages may include additional amenities, such as beach towels or snorkeling vests. It’s recommended to compare prices and inquire about any discounts or special offers available. Renting snorkeling equipment ensures you can fully enjoy your underwater adventures in Bora Bora without the hassle of bringing your own gear.

Other Water Activities

Scuba Diving

In addition to snorkeling, Bora Bora offers a myriad of other water activities to enjoy. Scuba diving is a popular choice for those seeking a more immersive experience in the underwater world. With certified dive operators available, you can explore the vibrant coral reefs and encounter a wide range of marine species at greater depths. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced diver, Bora Bora offers dive sites suitable for all skill levels, making it an incredible destination for underwater enthusiasts.

Jet Skiing

For an adrenaline-pumping adventure on the water, jet skiing in Bora Bora is a thrilling experience. Zoom across the turquoise lagoon, feeling the rush of speed as you enjoy panoramic views of the island and its surrounding beauty. Jet ski tours often include stops at secluded motus (small islets) and snorkeling spots, combining excitement with the opportunity to explore the underwater wonders of Bora Bora. Guided jet ski tours ensure your safety and provide an exhilarating way to experience the island from a unique perspective.


Paddleboarding has gained popularity worldwide, and Bora Bora’s calm lagoon is the perfect place to indulge in this relaxing water activity. Stand atop a paddleboard and glide across the tranquil waters, taking in the breathtaking scenery that surrounds you.

Paddleboarding offers a unique vantage point to soak in the beauty of Bora Bora, with its vibrant reefs and lush landscape. Whether you choose to paddle solo or opt for a guided tour, paddleboarding in Bora Bora guarantees a serene and unforgettable experience.


Kayaking is another great way to explore the picturesque lagoon and its hidden gems in Bora Bora. Hop into a kayak and paddle at your own pace, allowing you to discover secluded beaches, natural coves, and enchanting motus. Marvel at the crystal-clear waters as you navigate through the lagoon, spotting colorful fish and coral formations along the way. Kayaking is a versatile water activity suitable for all ages and fitness levels, making it an ideal choice for families or couples seeking a leisurely and intimate adventure.

Embarking on a snorkeling adventure in Bora Bora is a dream come true for many travelers. With its clear turquoise waters, vibrant marine life, and stunning coral reefs, Bora Bora offers an unparalleled snorkeling experience. Whether you choose to snorkel independently, join guided tours, or rent equipment from local shops, the possibilities to explore the underwater wonders are endless.

By following the snorkeling tips, respecting the environment, and engaging in responsible snorkeling practices, you can create lasting memories and leave a positive impact on the marine ecosystem. In addition to snorkeling, Bora Bora’s diverse range of water activities, such as scuba diving, jet skiing, paddleboarding, and kayaking, ensure there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Get ready for an extraordinary journey into the underwater paradise of Bora Bora, where adventure and natural beauty await at every turn.